Work In Progress

Have some other pictures to post but tonight I am working on the actual blog! Hoping to make some progress but so far things are a little sketchy! Bear with me while I try and get various posts to end up in their correct spots. Soon my blog will be up and running, ready for your viewing pleasure :)

Baby Shower Cake

Such a fun little monkey cake!! Second time dealing with fondant but it really turned out nicely. The top 6" layer was chocolate banana cake with vanilla pudding filling. Bottom 8" layer was yellow cake also with vanilla pudding filling. All marshmallow fondant accents. Thanks again to Kristina Christensen and her photography skills ;)

K Birthday Cake

One of my favorite cakes designed to pay homage to a photographer friends beautiful landscape shot. The cake was lemon with almond buttercream, almond cream cheese filling and royal icing flower accents. Here is the link to her gorgeous photo!/photo.php?fbid=187421594632606&set=a.171405089567590.34677.141490965892336&theater

Cat Birthday

This cake was super fun! My first carved cake AND first shot at fondant. The cake was chocolate a coating of buttercream and chocolate marshmallow fondant. Donald is very fond of his cat and they knew he would love having a cat cake dedication.

T Birthday Cake/Cupcakes

I thought I would start off by adding pictures of my first cake ever! This cake and cupcakes were for my sons 1st birthday party. Hot Wheels was the theme. The cupcakes were chocolate and yellow cake with oreos topping buttercream icing. The cake was a 9" round strawberry cake with buttercream frosting decoration/filling.

I would also like to mention my photographer friend Krisitna Christensen who takes most of the fabulous photos of my cakes. She has a gift and I've posted a link to her website in my inspiration tab on the sidebar. Check her out and tell her Bakes My Heart sent you : )